Australian Embassy
Republic of Korea
and Democratic People's Republic of Korea


The 2014 ANZAC Day dawn service will take place on Friday 25th April at 0630 in the Main Hall of the Korean War Memorial. This year we will again be honoured by the participation of a number of Commonwealth veterans of the Korean War, including Australians and New Zealanders. The service will be followed by a gunfire breakfast at the War Memorial’s Wedding Hall. Members of the Australian and New Zealand community are invited to join the service and there are some limited places available at the breakfast. Due to catering restrictions, those members of the public requesting to attend the breakfast need to provide their name and contact number by email to the Australian Assistant Defence Attaché Squadron Leader Byron Reynolds at [email protected] or the New Zealand Defence Attaché office at [email protected]. You will be advised by return email if you have secured a place at breakfast. Although the dawn service will be open to members of the public, only those who receive a confirmation email will be able to attend the breakfast.

Date & Time: Friday 25 April at 6:30am

Venue: Korea War Memorial